Rewrite of legacy system - Oregon bond debt tracking system.
The Office of the State Treasurer is committed to performance excellence and continuously improving the delivery of services
to their customers. The Debt Management Division (DMD) of the Office of the State Treasurer provides central coordination,
issuance, and tracking of all State Agency and Municipal governmental debt obligations as mandated by legislative statute.
Per state law, DMD must provide a comprehensive means for tracking, managing, and reporting both state and local government
bonds and other debt instruments.
DevMecca successfully competed against six other vendors to create the new debt tracking system (with a unanimous vote by
the selection committee). The new system is user-friendly, flexible, and efficient - linking all Oregon debt-issuing entities
into one web-based debt repository. Not only is the new system more accessible to Issuers, but the Governor’s office and the
Legislature use the data extracted from the debt system to make prudent decisions regarding the amount of debt to issue in the future.
BondTracker was submitted for a NASCO award.